There's No Place Like Hell Jolynne Gill, William and Liz Kautter

In season one of Fear Thy Neighbor, There's No Place Like Hell the story of Jolynne Gill, William and Liz Kautter takes place in the state of Nebraska. William and Liz Kautter The show is described as two neighboring friends turn enemies after a vicious spat; both of their homes burned to the ground. William plead guilty to Arson in the 2nd degree and all other charges were dropped against him. In an interview with News 6 (see below) Gill said Six Gill family members were home when the fire started. They say they remember the evening well and one detail in particular. Gill said numerous phone calls and threats that were being made at the family. "He proceeded to tell my husband that he was going to put a bullet in his head, he told me he was going to slice my throat and burn down my house and kill us all,” Gill said. Jolynne Gill passed away in 2019. Links William Kautter sentenced to probation for Atlantic arson Arson Suspects Arrested, Vict...