Desperate Times, Deadly Measures, Robert and Genise Matheson, Erwin and Jenny Jarvis

Robert and Genise Matheson
In season four of Fear Thy Neighbor, Desperate Times, Deadly Measures tells the story of neighbors 
Robert and Genise Matheson , and Erwin and Jenny  Jarvis in the state of North Carolina.

The show is described as an Appalachian couple is delighted when their neighbors return home after disappearing for 10 years, but they've changed for the worse, unleashing a campaign of endless intimidation and harassment that ultimately ends in a bloodbath.  

The neighbors had gotten along well until the Jarvis family moved away for ten years. When they returned, nothing would ever be the same again.

Erwin Jarvis plead guilty to two counts of second-degree murder and was sentenced to 32 to 40 years in prison. You can write to him at:

Erwin Jarvis 1437349   
Cragg CC
Box 8909
Asheville, NC 28814



  1. My heart goes out to Jenny Jarvis. I would love to contact her and give her my support. If anyone knows how to contact her please let me know.

    I only have one question, 4 years time......did they not install video cameras to catch all this harassment they were being put thru?


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